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2024 Leadership Livingston Participant Application

Leadership Livingston develops leaders in the community through a nine month-long, hands-on program designed to expose leaders to their community through an in-depth look at the players, issues, and elements that make this county tick. Participants will gain network connections, enhance personal and professional leadership skills, see successful leaders in action, and ultimately have a better understanding of place and self.
Program Sessions - 2nd Tuesday of each month - 8:00am - 1:00pm
October 8th & 9th Two Day Opening Retreat (2-day long sessions) November 12th Healthcare and Human Services December 10th Arts, Culture & Tourism January 14th Government, Law Enforcement & Criminal Justice February 11th Education March 11th Business & Industry April 8th The Treasures Below – Tour of American Rock Salt May 13th Agriculture June 10th Team Building & Leadership Challenge @ Camp Stella Maris June 24th Graduation Reception – (held in the evening 7:00pm – 8:00pm)
Program Expectations
Attendance at the two-day opening retreat and graduation are mandatory. Completion of a volunteer project is also mandatory. Participants agree to an 80% attendance requirement and understand they cannot successfully complete the program if attendance falls below 80%.
Program Tuition
The cost is $1000. Livingston County Area Chamber of Commerce members receive a $150 discount on tuition for a cost of $850 for Chamber members. Tuition covers all program materials, instructors, guest facilitators, the opening retreat, meals for day long sessions, and graduation reception in June. Tuition is due in full by the Friday prior to the beginning of the program, unless special arrangements have been made. Upon acceptance to the program you will receive an invoice for payment.
Candidate and Employer Commitment
Candidate – If accepted as a participant in the Leadership Livingston program, I understand that I am making a commitment to attend and fully participate in every session. I am committed to applying the knowledge and skills gained from this program in positions of leadership in my work and the community for the betterment of Livingston County. I understand that I am personally responsible for any tuition not paid by my financial sponsor. I further understand that if I fail to meet these obligations, I will be asked to withdraw from the program. In addition, I also give permission to have my name shared with local groups and organizations that may be interested in my skills and interests. Employer – I agree to allow my employee, if accepted, to devote the time necessary to be an active, contributing member of the Leadership Livingston program.
Candidate Name
Company Address
Home Address
Candidate Commitment Confirmation
Employer Commitment Confirmation

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