Retailers & Specialty Shops
Gift Shop hours
Tuesday 10:00-2:00
Wednesday 10-:00-2:00
Thursday 10:00-2:00
Saturdays 10:00-2:00
Driving Directions:
15A Hemlock NY.14466
About Us
The Little Lakes Community Association [LLCA] is a team of hard-working, dedicated residents who have made it their goal to promote community while restoring and preserving the Old Hemlock School. Come join in on the fun and satisfaction. Your particular skills are needed and will be welcomed.
Our Community Center:
The Old Hemlock School, located at 4705 Main St. Hemlock NY, was built in 1929 and is perfect as a regional Community Center. It is centrally located among the four Little Finger Lakes and has a variety of available spaces that can be used for classes, workshops, parties, events and small businesses.
Our Little Lakes Gift shop is a collection of gifts from over 50 local artisans. You can find something for everyone here and you support local artists.